Bruce hit the pool every single January for the past five years, to lose weight and get fit, and for every one of those five years, by Easter, he had found enough excuses to give up. As he swam a few half-hearted laps, he suddenly recalled Einstein’s definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Right then and there Bruce made a decision. He strode back to his apartment and told his wife, Jeanette, “This is the year everything changes”.
That was four years ago. Today, Bruce is 75 kilos, fitter and healthier than he was in his 30s and he is incredibly grateful to be living a life that he loves. The key that unlocked his life to transformation was something deceptively simple that has been around for a very long time – the wisdom of the Delphic Oracle, “Know yourself, be yourself, love yourself”. Read about the amazing changes Bruce made to his life and how he has maintained these changes in Wholly Natural Issue #3.
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