With our launch on the Magzter platform, Wholly Natural magazine is now available in the Apple App Store (iOS), on GooglePlay (Android), the Amazon App Store for Kindle and Kindle Fire, as well as Nook, Kobo and directly on the Internet. Through Magzter alone, our passion for “loving, living, green” and helping people transform their lives has the potential of reaching 'the eyes' of up to 28 million people. That's not including readers who will subscribe directly to our branded app through the Apple App Store and GooglePlay.
The benefits of being a digital magazine mean that Wholly Natural, and therefore, your ad, stay active, and on these platforms FOREVER; giving you continual exposure. Throughout the year, we offer a combination of Free and Paid Issues that will complement your advertising strategy and enable you to maximise this exposure.
At Wholly Natural we are as passionate about your products as you are! We appreciate and understand the integrity and care that goes into the process of producing amazing products that are eco-friendly and organic.
Taking an advertisement with Wholly Natural does not stop with the ad you place! We will help to promote your products with our readers through social media where we are continually building an active, online global community.
Jump aboard this platform with us and let us promote you and your products to a worldwide active community, that is demanding 'integrity' in both lifestyle and wellbeing!
Contact our Ad Sales representative at adsales@whollynatural.net for more information and a pdf of our media kit.